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Alan Moore is Entitled to His Anger
It’s So Much Easier to Write Someone Off Than to Try to Understand Their Perspective.
Felix Quiñonez Jr.
You’d be hard-pressed to find many writers whose work is more influential to the comic book medium than Alan Moore. Even if you only credited him for his most famous contribution, Watchmen, his indelible mark on the industry and pop culture at large is impossible to ignore. But that’s not even close to all he wrote. Some of his most iconic works include V For Vendetta, The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, From Hell, Lost Girls, among many others. He co-created John Constantine, Tom Strong, and wrote a couple of the most beloved and influential Superman stories. Honestly, that’s just barely scratching the surface of what he’s contributed.
But for some reason, that’s not really what people talk about when they talk about Alan Moore these days. Somewhere along the line, it’s become fashionable to dump on him and call him crazy. And I think it’s time we stop to consider why we talk about that instead of focusing on how much he did for the medium that so many of us love.
People love to dismiss him as “crazy” or an “angry old man.” Of course, the people who say that don’t talk about the reason he’s angry, to begin with. But let’s take a second to see how that anger started and why he remains mad after all…